Booking tariffs at St Barnabas Campus 2025
Meeting Point (£ per hour- ph)
Social functions and parties.………… £23ph
Community use
Main Hall……………………………...£17.50ph
Main Hall + Kitchen…………….…….£20ph
Main Hall + Lounge……………….…..£21ph
Main Hall + Kitchen + Lounge………..£23ph
Out of hours surcharge (before 8am & after 8pm) additional £10ph
The Youth Centre
The entire building…………………….£25ph
(available weekends and after 3pm weekdays)
The Old Vicarage
Augustine Room (Comfy Lounge Room)
(Meeting room 4-10 people).………….£14ph
Tubman Room (Large Dinning Table Space)
(1-8 people)………………………..……£12ph
Macrina Room (Upstairs, comfy space)
(Meeting room 1-3 people)………..….. £10ph
The Main Church Building
(Available at Vicar’s discretion)
Main Sanctuary Space………………..£27.50ph
Storage (£ per week)
Meeting point storage………………£5-15pw
(price will vary depending on how much storage is needed)
There is a 10% discount available for anyone with a Hattersley Postcode who is making a one off booking.
We offer this to bless the community in which we serve.
Add your address to your booking form and the discount will be automatically added.
A culture of honour
Our desire is to make booking affordable for everyone. We will do our best to honour you and our wonderful estate and make sure cost does not stop groups from running. However we ask that if you apply for funding for your group, please do add room hire to your bid in order to pay for the room hire. This honours us and helps us to put the money back into the campus to make it the best it can be. Private companies and groups which charge an attendance fee will be expected to pay the full amount for room hire.