it’s Time for good news


Our vision

To be a home in Hattersley, that overflows with the truth, kindness, and abundance of Jesus, to Hattersley and beyond.


Our values

Enjoying God, Being Family, Sharing Hope

Enjoying God

We are created to enjoy God and to walk with him in his presence and love. We learn to enjoy Him through putting him first in our lives. As we trust, worship, and pray we receive all we need from God and he makes us into the people he created us to be. Therefore as a church we will prioritise prayer and worship.

Finally, we learn about who God is and what he is like through the Bible and therefore hold a high view of Scripture. God uses the Bible to speak to us and help us to encounter and enjoy him.

Being Family

Family is a pretty big deal in the Bible. In the beginning God creates a family, then later he calls a family, that family becomes a nation, and when the time was right God sent his own family, his Son Jesus to save us, so that we can become part of God’s family.

Church is all about Jesus, but it’s also full of people! We are called to love one another. We express this love through living radical lives of love, hospitality, generosity and service. Being family to each other.

As a family held together by Jesus we seek to ‘do life’ together, celebrating our triumphs and cheering each other on. Also weeping together and holding each other in the sadness and struggles of life.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit we model the love Jesus has shown us to one another. This love also provides people who are searching with a space to explore faith and ask questions without fear of judgement. Finally, we aim to give people the best welcome they’ve had all week, be that into our church, homes or lunch breaks at work. This is being the family of God. 

Sharing Hope

The best news anyone can hear is living in us! The Good News of Jesus is too good to keep quiet. We have a hope and a future and our community needs to know they can as well! Therefore we will seek to be an outward focused (maybe even outward biased) church. We exist just as much for our non members as our current ones. We will seek to find fun, joyful, and perhaps sometimes silly, ways to share our faith and join Jesus out on the estate where he is already at work.

We want to be a church and people who say ‘yes’ to joining in with God and making disciples of Jesus Christ. That is where all the fun is to be found. This means we want to be a courageous church and people, sharing our faith, and championing each other in our daily walks with Jesus wherever he has placed us.

We align ourselves with the vision and values of the New Wine Network. To find out more about them click below.