Play your part
Thank you so much!
Everything that happens in our church is only possible because of God’s generosity and people’s giving. We’re so grateful to the many people who give regularly to our church and if that’s you, thank you so much!
Ways to Give
There are a number of different ways that you can give to the life of the church, see below for more information.
For further support please email giving@hattersley.church
Please use the bank details below to set up a standing order for regular giving or a bank transfer as a one-off gift. We especially love receiving gifts in this way as there are no fees and we can use every penny of your donation.
Sort code: 821208
Account number: 30070857
Account name: St Barnabas Parochial Church Council
Quote reference: yoursurname&initial/GIVING
Many employers offer payroll giving or ‘give as you earn’ which allows you to give directly to St Barnabas Church from your salary before tax is deducted. This means if you give £100 per month and are a basic rate taxpayer, the gift will only cost you £80 from your net pay. If you pay a higher rate of tax, £100 a month will only cost you £60 from your net pay. To find out if your employer offers Payroll Giving, contact your HR office.
Please note: if you use payroll giving, your gifts will not be eligible for gift aid, as you will not have paid tax on the amount.
You can also give by cash or cheque gatherings. If you have any questions, please email giving@hattersley.church
Don’t forget Gift Aid
Gift Aid is for UK taxpayers and boosts your giving by 25% without costing you anything.
To add Gift Aid to your gift please either, click the ‘Gift Aid Form’ button, or fill in a form which you can find on the welcome desk at the Church.