Upcoming Events
Alongside our regular gatherings, there are loads of events running throughout the year.
You can see what’s coming up below.

Prayer Breakfast with +Mark
Join us for breakfast as we pray for Tameside. We will be joined by +Mark, Bishop of Chester.

St Barnabas Community Choir
Exciting News - Hattersley now has a community choir and you're invited! 🎶
SUNDAYS 4-5PM St Barnabas Church Hattersley
All ages and levels of experience welcome.

Easter Sunday
The best day ever! Jesus is alive and brings us to life. Lots of fun, celebration and an egg hunt at the end!

Family Good Friday Discovery
How can Jesus dying be good? Craft, games and discovering more about the Good Friday story.

The Big Free Community Tea
Eat a free meal and become part of the Last Supper story.
Book you tickets here

Mothers Day All In Celebration
It's Mother's Day
It's also an 'all in' Sunday, meaning fun, craft, games, everyone of all ages in together, and a wonderful chance to celebrate all the wonderful women in our community.
We'll also continue our journey through God's big story in the bible.
Come and join in, 10:30 start at Barney's

Unity Sunday
It's Unity Sunday this week! ❤️
This Sunday we're teaming up with Hope Community Church to enjoy being God's family together. We'll be hosting at our place.🙌
It's really special to worship with our wider church family in Mottram. 🔥
You're welcome to come and join in as well! 10:30 kick off

Christmas Day Celebration
The best way to start Christmas day! Come and celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Grab an orange with sweets on it, which explains the hope of the world! A wonderful way to feel all Christmassy. #itsfree

Nativity Treasure Hunt
We’ve hidden the Nativity characters around Hattersley, can you find them? Collect their clues, solve the puzzle and collect your free Christmas present! It’ll all finish with a Christmas celebration.

Alpha Course
Explore the Christian faith in an informal, relaxed, environment. We’ll eat some food, watch a video, then you can say what you like about it! If you think it’s not for you, that’s fine, you don’t have to come back and we won’t follow you up. Alpha is a 7 week course.

Sunday worship
You can expect a warm welcome and a joyful atmosphere as we worship Jesus together. As a church we are seeking to enjoy God, be family, and share hope. Everyone is welcome to come and join in.

New Year’s Day Walk
Instead of the morning gathering, we’ll be going for a New Year’s Day Walk together.

![Carols on Church St. [7pm]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/63d02d267cc30e63e1f6711f/1674587489727-6UV6YPQNVCGNCEOJ0XCY/Untitled+%28Presentation+%28169%29%29+%281%29.png)
![Carols on Church St. [5pm]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/63d02d267cc30e63e1f6711f/1674587489721-BNYG1LJL8BYDTCKUJXZ5/Untitled+%28Presentation+%28169%29%29+%281%29.png)

Youth Silent Disco
An event from Blackpool Church Youth for young people aged 11-17. If that's you, we would love you and your friends to join us for a great night of fun to end the school term!
What's a silent disco?
With LED wireless headphones, you can be the DJ by choosing between different channels of music. Join us for an evening of music, fun, games and tasty food!

Love Christmas
This year we are joining thousands of others around the country by delivering Bags of Kindness in our community.

The Prayer Walk
Prayer makes a difference so we’re going out into the streets to ask God to make a difference in Blackpool.

Alpha is a fantastic way to ask questions and explore the Christian faith in a fun, no-pressure environment.

Life Skills
Life Skills is an 8-week programme to help us make the most of what we have.

Queen Elizabeth Memorial
A memorial service to give thanks to God for the life of Her Majesty.

Kingdom Come
Kingdom Come is a powerful night for us to come together as a church in prayer, worship and prophetic encounter. All are welcome.

The Prayer Walk
Prayer makes a difference so we’re going out into the streets to ask God to make a difference in Blackpool.

Focus is the summer holiday for the HTB Network. It’s a chance to spend quality time together, share food, pray and worship together, and support each other as we grow.
As a church, this year we will be going for the day, on Saturday 30th July.