Booking agreement terms and conditions
Below you can read our terms and conditions for all room hire at St Barnabas Church. Please be sure to read through them before making booking.
Conditions of Use
1. Introduction
1.1 Thank you for enquiring about the use of a space on the St Barnabas Campus.
1.2 The primary use of the St Barnabas Campus is to facilitate the work of St Barnabas Church However, we are keen that the centre is open to other groups, especially those that benefit our local community.
1.3 Our desire is to give our Hattersley community the very best because we believe they are loved by God. We want to honour you with the best facilities possible within our limited budget. As we do our very best to honour you, we ask that you do the same with your payment on time, your care during use and your leaving the place the way you found it.
1.4 All enquiries and bookings should be directed to our online booking form: www,hattersley.church/roomhire or telephone 0161 368 2795.
2. General Policies
2.1 The Parochial Church Council (PCC) of St Barnabas Church, is responsible for the observance of legislation on these premises.
2.2 You must abide by the law, including (without limitation) in relation to such things as the safety and protection of children and vulnerable adults, health and safety and food hygiene.
2.3 You may not sub-let or assign your hiring of these premises.
2.4 You are responsible for the good and appropriate behaviour of all members of your group (including guests and participants in your activity).
2.5 Smoking is not permitted in the building.
2.6 No storage is available for external groups, unless agreed with St Barnabas, and if applicable, a fee paid.
2.7 The church has public liability insurance and its own property and contents insurance.
Please ask whether you need additional insurance when you book. Any third party hired for your event will need to be separately insured.
2.8 All regular users of the hall need their own insurance. Before using our premises, please ensure that you have your own insurance. We will ask you to confirm that you have done this when you book, and we will take a photocopy of this for our records. If your activity is primarily for the under 18s then we will also need to see a copy of your safeguarding policy.
3. Booking Policies
3.1 The hire of rooms is at the discretion of Vicar and/or Campus Administrator
3.2 We welcome, and will accommodate as far as possible, requests to use the St Barnabas Campus. However, as part of the Diocese of Chester, we exist to promote Christian Spirituality so therefore our premises cannot be used for the promotion of beliefs, values, and spiritualities which are incompatible with the teaching of the Church of England. We may also refuse any requests where acceptance could be misconstrued as giving tacit approval to such beliefs and practices. The Vicar has final authority when approving the use of our premises.
3.3 We will take bookings for up to a year ahead. The Vicar and Campus Administrator reserves the right to cancel the hire in the event of the St Barnabas Campus being required for use by the church, in which case the Hirer shall be entitled to a refund of any monies already paid. As much notice of cancellation as possible will be given, and alternative dates, as far as possible, given.
3.4 No rooms may be hired for commercial gain of any sort without the written permission of the Vicar.
4. Payment
4.1 For all one off bookings a non-refundable deposit of 20%, must accompany the Hire Application. For larger bookings, over 70 people, a refundable deposit of £100 will be required in addition to the full hire charge in advance of the date of the booking. This will be used if required to offset any damage caused or excess cleaning required otherwise it will be returned promptly after the booking.
4.2 The balance of the hire fee is payable in full (and in cleared funds) at least seven days prior to the day of the booking.
4.3 If you cancel your booking within 7 days of the booking, you will forfeit your deposit.
4.4 Where the hire of the premises by you is for a regular use booking then the payment of the relevant hire fee shall be as set out in your booking agreement and you will be invoiced on a monthly basis or termly basis.
4.5 A discount of 10% on one off booking fees is available to residents of Hattersley.
5. Using the Centre
5.1 The St Barnabas Campus has limited parking. Please use this considerately. If you have a large group, please consider asking them to use the ample parking available on the road in front of the church.
5.2 The St Barnabas Campus and the room(s) you have booked will be opened for you unless we make other arrangements with you. The room(s) you have booked will be made available for the period specified on your initial booking form, so please allow yourselves time to prepare for and tidy up after your meeting within these times.
5.3 If there are queries about opening and locking up procedures once you have arrived please speak to the person who opened the building for you or call the contact number which is displayed by the front entrance door in case of difficulty.
5.4 Setting up of any tables and chairs you require is not included in the booking fee.
5.5 Please switch off all lights and check all windows are closed when leaving the room. If you are the last group in the building, would you please also check that the lights in the toilets and corridors are switched off. If you are using the kitchen, please ensure the urn is turned off. Finally, that the alarm is set.
5.6 Please leave rooms tidy and return all tables, chairs etc. to their original storage racks.
5.7 Please leave rooms clean: brushes are available in the kitchen. If rooms are left in need of substantial cleaning, we will make a charge for cleaning.
5.8 You may not put any pins, nail, hook or fastening into any part of the building (e.g., doors, walls, beams). You may not use blue tack, sticky tape or pins on any interior surfaces of the building.
5.9 You are responsible for any damage caused to the building and we reserve the right to charge you for any repairs which become necessary following misuse.
5.10 A non-recyclable waste bin is provided in every room. If possible, please take all recyclable waste away with you.
5.11 Noise and music must be kept to a level acceptable to those living nearby. This is especially true in the summer when windows and doors may be open and/ or your guests are using the outdoor areas.
5.12 You may not bring onto the premises any indoor pyrotechnics, smoke machines, candles, or items of a combustible nature.
5.13 The St Barnabas Campus needs to be locked at 10.30pm unless a prior arrangement has been made to extend the booking beyond this time. Please ensure that your group is ready to leave the building in good time. Please leave quietly and with consideration to our neighbours.
5.14 No internal doors may be wedged open due to fire regulations, except temporarily to allow, for example, the moving of furniture.
5.15 You must keep all entrances into and exits from any space on the St Barnabas Campus, entrances into and exits from the car park, and the entrance to the driveway to the Church clear at all times.
5.16 You agree to indemnify St Barnabas Church against all claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, costs and expenses arising out of your use of the St Barnabas Campus and/or car park.
5.17 You agree that St Barnabas Church will not be held responsible for any loss or damage which may occur to your property or the property of any members of your group (including guests and participants in your activity).
6. Kitchen Use
6.1 You may use the kitchen for the provision of drinks or light refreshments. You may use the church’s crockery, cutlery, water boilers, etc. for that purpose. You may be sharing the kitchen with another group. If you wish to prepare and serve full meals, please ask at the time of booking as additional enquiries will need to be made and potentially an additional charge levied.
6.2 Groups using kitchen facilities must wash up, dry dishes and put everything away after meetings. Please brush the floor leaving everything clean and tidy. Please let us know of any breakages so that we can replace small items. Larger breakages may have to be paid for.
6.3 Children are not permitted in the kitchen. Unless there is a specific supervised reason stated in the booking e.g. Family cooking class. This must be stated in the booking and agreed by the Church.
7. Additional facilities available if arranged when booking
7.1 Wireless internet access is available and can be logged onto using the password.
8. First Aid and Emergency Information
8.1 A First Aid kit is available in the kitchen of the meeting point or in the downstairs toilet in the Old Vicarage. Please acquaint yourself with its location upon arrival.
8.2 All accidents should be recorded in the accident book which is located in the kitchen.
8.3 In the event of a fire or other emergency, the fire assembly point is the front lawn at the front of the campus by the bus stop. Please wait there, call the emergency services, notify the church, and do not re-renter the building, under any circumstances, until being told it is safe to do so by a member of the emergency services.